Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Altair. Oh, how much I have to love thee

I've been asking myself lately. Why the heck do I choose the cosplays I end up doing?

Purely for the hell of a ride they give me buy building them. And I always end up saying, "oh, this one gave me one hell of a trouble".

(sorry for the cursing, though xD)

Altair won the oh-no-you-didn't award, and we're just getting started on him. Clothes are nothing, seriously, they're almost finished. I just gotta find the perfect linen pants at my job and voila. I already have the boots, and doing the weapons is going to be easy. Except for the hidden blade, of course. But I found a quite great tutorial on Youtube (may the gods bless whoever invented Youtube and his/her infinite wisdom xD) on how to make the blade, so I can sleep better a few more weeks.

However, and this is the cause as of why my arm hurts so bad right now.
You know, in the hand Altair has his hidden blade, he has this sort of arm brace, armor kinda thingy. It's a five plaque bracer that has some engraved designs and that Fev from threw together in some fancy way that makes you go all "oh, yeah, I can do that, it looks easy".

Oh hell it's not easy, I tell you that!

Mostly, because it's leather. Kids, don't play with leather. It's evil! Haha! I almost cut my fingers with the chisel because leather is so hard to work on. Plus, I suck at drawing. I'm not an artist, my forte is building stuff, never drawing anything. I can't even make a straight line straight, and I'm not kidding! Ok, you can laugh now.
I'm only doing that in leather. The rest, I bought like 4 yards of vinyl for the belts and the holders and the rest. But leather....geez...Please remind me never to use leather again unless I get the right materials to work with it, savvy?


Monday, March 1, 2010

And the final product is unveiled!

Woah! So much work, I forgot to update this thing! Sorry, sorry!

Well, after so many weeks of hard work, some restless nights thinking in what to do next, a nasty cut in my left hand and an injured ankle, I finished my Devil Jin cosplay.

Please ignore my face, I was tired! I didn't slept for two days! Horror!
But I'm really happy with the result. I won 1st prize on the top 10 (which is basically a 4th place overall) and it was my first formal competition! So I'm very happy for it.
Overall, the con was really fun. I had a very awesome time with my friends, and though I didn't won, I'm happy I dropped some jaws with my gloves, hehe.

Anyways! This CFF page is closed, a new chapter in my cosplay life begins. And what are we making now?

Altair!!! This baby will be unveiled at Puerto Rico Comic Con day 1! ^_^
I love Altair Ibn'La-Ahad, even more than Ezio! xD So I'll be doing Altair.
And as an added bonus, I began working with my cosplay for Kaisen 7.
Big Sister from Bioshock 2! This baby will be a pain in the ass, but so worth it!!! xDD